Mitsubishi SJ40T Separator

Brand: Mitsubishi
Item No.: N.A.
Part No.: SJ-40T
Description: Mitsubishi SJ40T Separator/ Mitsubishi SJ-40T Oil Purifier Also buy new spares and service kits at best price.
Condition: Refurbished

Mitsubishi SJ40T Separator is a highly efficient and reliable separation system designed specifically for marine services. This separator excels in effectively removing contaminants and impurities from various fluids, ensuring optimal performance and longevity of marine machinery.

Built with advanced technology and precision engineering, the SJ40T Separator employs a specialized centrifugal force mechanism to separate different phases of liquids, such as oil, water, and solids. Its robust construction and high-speed rotating bowl enable rapid and efficient separation, even in the most demanding marine environments.

Additionally, Mitsubishi SJ40T Separator consists of several key parts and components, including the bowl, inlet pipe, discharge ports, solids discharge mechanism, water outlet, oil outlet, control panel, bearings, drive system, sensors and instrumentation, and safety devices.

Moreover, the separator’s compact design and user-friendly interface make it exceptionally easy to install and operate onboard ships, oil rigs, and other marine vessels. It offers seamless integration into existing systems and requires minimal maintenance, thereby reducing downtime and operational costs.

Furthermore, with its exceptional separation capabilities, the SJ40T Separator helps maintain the purity of vital fluids, extending the lifespan of engines, generators, and other critical marine equipment. By efficiently removing contaminants, it enhances operational efficiency and reduces the risk of component damage. Consequently, vessel operators can rely on its reliable performance and experience reduced maintenance and repair requirements.

The Mitsubishi SJ40T Separator is a trusted solution for marine applications, delivering high-quality separation performance, durability, and ease of use. It is the ideal choice for shipowners and marine operators seeking a reliable and efficient separation system to optimize their marine services and enhance overall vessel performance.

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